Joint GOP Statement on Marriage
For immediate release: April 27, 2009
621 East 9th St., Des Moines, IA 50309
Contact: Danielle Plogmann, 319.290.4185
Joint statement from Republican Party of Iowa Chairman Matt Strawn, Senate Republican Leader Paul McKinley, and House Republican Leader Kraig Paulsen
This joint statement marks the first day same-sex couples will be allowed to seek marriage licenses since the Iowa Supreme Court’s decision in Varnum v. Brien
Today marks the first day same-sex couples in Iowa will be able to seek marriage licenses as a result of the Iowa Supreme Court’s decision to declare unconstitutional Iowa’s law that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Republicans in the Iowa Legislature made repeated attempts to begin the process of bringing to Iowans a proposed constitutional amendment to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman only to be stopped cold by Democrat obstructionism and a lack of executive leadership from Governor Culver.
Whether it be the pursuit of a constitutional amendment to give Iowans the right to vote on this issue; the establishment of residency requirements to obtain marriage licenses; or the appointment of future judges--none of these options are possible as long as Chet Culver remains Governor and Democrats control the Iowa Legislature.
Democratic legislators who campaigned at home to protect marriage and then hid behind procedural votes in Des Moines to thwart the will of the people will have to answer for their hypocritical actions in 2010.
Iowans who are looking for leaders who will truly work and vote to protect marriage need look no farther than Iowa Republicans.